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Using Form N400, Green Card Holders Can Become US Citizens

October 8, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Many green card holders living in the United States may not realize that they are already eligible to be legal and full-blown U.S. citizens.  Citizenship can be obtained through what is known as naturalization with the help of form N400.


So what exactly is this form and how can it help you become a citizen?  When you have Lawful Permanent Resident status, you are a green card holder you can be of age to use this form to be a citizen.


These green card holders who are over the age of 18 may meet eligibility requirements to apply to be citizens.  Those eligibility requirements include holding a green card for the past 5 years.  If you are married, you can apply with this form after holding a green card for 3 years.  Serving in the U.S. armed forces during war can help speed up this process and make you exempt from the waiting period.


Naturalization and immigration have been utilized to become full citizens for years now.  Companies such as the American Immigration Center Inc can help you fill out the form and be sure that you have all of the required documentation.  If you are a valid green card holder and have lost your green card, you can utilize what is known as form I90 to replace a lost or stolen green card.  Naturalization is a great privilege for green card holders and if taken advantage of, can have you on the road to being a full U.S. citizen before you even knew it was possible.

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