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How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy for your Business

January 12, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

An effective marketing strategy is worth its weight in gold. But finding the perfect “message” to send out to potential clients that will cause them to choose your products or services is the crux of the issue. How do you accomplish that? OTC Global Holdings has some experience here.

What can you say to potential clients to cause them to realize that your company is the best in town with the cheapest prices? Some of the larger companies have the advantage of an unlimited advertising budget. But you may not have that luxury.

According to Javier Loya of OTC Global Holdings, “Just sitting in your office waiting for customers to bang on your door is about the same as sitting at home waiting on a husband or wife of your dreams to find you and sweep you away. You’ve got to get out there and search.”

OTC Global Holdings in Houston, Texas, is the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world and has been quite successful over the years.

It takes time, effort, money and often hard work PLUS a great marketing plan to reach out to consumers with your brand message and capture their attention. It’s your job to devise a plan to woo them into your arms, so to speak! Get a great marketing agency to help you devise your strategy. They can fine tune the message so it’s effective.

Javier Loya grew up in El Paso, Texas and now lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and two daughters. He the founder and co-CEO of OTC Global Holdings, the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world. He graduated from Columbia University in New York and is a minority owner of the Houston Texans football team.