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Business Tips from Billionaires

March 20, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

Billionaires did not become billionaires without focus and vision. The hard work and long hours came later and when they achieved a goal they applied the lessons and made another and another and continued to set goals both in their private and professional lives.

Dave Thomas is the founder of Wendy’s he has built his success on setting a goal and that was to begin by knowing his customers. He has said that one of his 3 keys to success was knowing his customer better than anyone because in that way you will be able to give them solutions and meet their unique needs.

Wesley Virgin is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur and Internet personality. Wesley Virgin has some powerful YouTube videos that he uploads to help ordinary people follow his lead and become millionaires. Wesley Virgin says that “You must know what you want first, meaning you must have an initial blueprint.”

Ryan Allis the co-founder of iContact, pointed out that “having the end in mind every day ensures you’re working toward it. Set goals and remind yourself of them each day.”

Tony Hsieh is the founder of Zappos and he says “Don’t play games you don’t understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them.” What he meant was that it is very important to understand the industry that you are in to be a success within it.

Larry Page of Google believes that always delivering more than what is expected. In this way your business will stand out from the competition and get noticed in your industry which will help you build a loyal following.


How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy for your Business

January 12, 2022 by · Leave a Comment 

An effective marketing strategy is worth its weight in gold. But finding the perfect “message” to send out to potential clients that will cause them to choose your products or services is the crux of the issue. How do you accomplish that? OTC Global Holdings has some experience here.

What can you say to potential clients to cause them to realize that your company is the best in town with the cheapest prices? Some of the larger companies have the advantage of an unlimited advertising budget. But you may not have that luxury.

According to Javier Loya of OTC Global Holdings, “Just sitting in your office waiting for customers to bang on your door is about the same as sitting at home waiting on a husband or wife of your dreams to find you and sweep you away. You’ve got to get out there and search.”

OTC Global Holdings in Houston, Texas, is the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world and has been quite successful over the years.

It takes time, effort, money and often hard work PLUS a great marketing plan to reach out to consumers with your brand message and capture their attention. It’s your job to devise a plan to woo them into your arms, so to speak! Get a great marketing agency to help you devise your strategy. They can fine tune the message so it’s effective.

Javier Loya grew up in El Paso, Texas and now lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and two daughters. He the founder and co-CEO of OTC Global Holdings, the largest independent OTC commodity brokerage in the world. He graduated from Columbia University in New York and is a minority owner of the Houston Texans football team.


Working With Startups: Is the Risk Worth the Potential Reward?

September 2, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Startup businesses are exciting but is the risk really worth the reward? Below are some pros and cons of working in a startup.

Startups are fast-paced and risky. Some may love this while others would prefer something more stable and predictable. If you are considering working in a startup, read below to get a better understanding of what it’s actually like working for one.

High Risk, High Reward

When working with a startup, in any capacity, it is important to understand that nothing is guaranteed. Most startups are notorious for having uncertain futures because of their general lack of funding, stable revenue streams, customer bases, and polished products. All of these variables can make it difficult to justify working in a startup, especially if your primary goal is to make a fortune of money. Statistically speaking, not every startup will be as unique, profitable, and game-changing as Uber has been, but every now and then angel and VC investors will find a concept and a team that have potential to make it through the ups and downs.

Javier Loya, CEO of OTC Global Holdings says: “If you are not an investor or an individual who is closely related to the startup founders, it can be tough to get your foot in the door. If you are able to get involved early on in the development of the business, there is a chance you can make a decent profit as the company grows. Even if it does not get far, as most startups usually do not, understand that the risk comes with the territory.”

More Autonomy

One aspect of startups that many who have been involved with at least one enjoy is the degree of autonomy they have. When working in a small team that can very well be smaller than 10 people, there is a good chance that each individual will wear many hats and have many responsibilities. As a result, each person has a lot of say in how the business is run and his or her actions have a greater impact on the future of the business than the average employee in a large corporation would usually have. To some, this power is a characteristic that is more important than job stability or salary. On the other hand, some people may not want as much responsibility.

Good Learning Experience

“Even if the startup you are working for does not make much of a profit, there is no denying that you will learn a lot throughout the process,” says Javier Loya. Due to the very hands-on nature of the small startup, each person involved will learn a lot very quickly. Startup workers will learn a great deal about how to run a business just through the experience and exposure to the environment. Not every business will become huge but each setback will be a learning experience that will make you wiser.


How to Get Financing for Your Small Business

August 16, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

You may have a great idea for a new business but not be able to get financing for your start-up. This is a problem that many new entrepreneurs face. There are quite a few ways to get financing. You may need to try several of these before you are successful. Remember to be persistent. Don’t give up just because you fail a few times. The Global Spiritualist Association has put together the top 3 ways to get financing for your small business.

Friends and family may wish to help you with your business. If they believe strongly enough in your idea, then they could provide at least part of the financing. Develop a good business plan and share that with your friends and family so they can see how your dream will unfold.

If you are considering a loan from a bank, then you’ll need a strong business plan. Your ability to borrow the necessary capital to finance your dream may depend upon how well prepared you are the day you sit down with your banker.

Crowd funding has become popular because it can work so well. If your idea is amazing, then other people might want to get involved. It’s usually free to place your crowd funding ad but you may have to give the site a percentage of what you get.

Join Us

The Global Spiritualist Association, founded by Zhang Xinyue has so many resources that can help business leaders build their dreams. They are there to teach, mentor and assist. For more information about this organization, please visit their website.



Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?

June 27, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

The article was provided by The Global Spiritualist Association

You must be crystal clear about what it is you want in a business. What lifestyle do you want to achieve and how much time are you willing to put into it? Making a conscious decision as to how much effort you are willing to give can be a determining factor. As you will learn from The Global Spiritualist Association.

Try this 5 Step Action Plan:

Go to a quiet place and determine exactly what you want in business. Make a conscious decision that nothing will stop you from obtaining this goal.

Write down exactly how you envision your business. Set a deadline and definite purpose. Remember, you are the captain of your ship and it will never reach its destination unless you direct it. If you don’t, it will sink on the journey.

Make a list of everything you have to do to achieve your goal. Example: write down the resources and skills necessary to succeed.

Create a plan of action by organizing your list. Set priorities! Decide what has to come first and don’t deviate from it no matter what distractions come your way.

Make a conscious decision to take action now. Your success is determined by the amount of intensity and the sense of urgency you bring with your actions.

The Global Spiritualists Association was created by author and teacher, Zhang Xinyue. This organization helps business leaders to become successful in their business and personal lives. Our annual conferences can be a source of encouragement and knowledge. For more information about this organization, please visit the website.