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Streamlining Your Company’s Software with EDI Services

October 14, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Modern companies need to constantly take advantage of modern technology or risk becoming a company of the past. EDI software is a great example of this. Electronic Data Interchange is software that essentially allows two or more computer programs to speak with each other via a shared document. So, for example, Walmart EDI would help the huge corporation monitor products that are bought from the producing company, then track them as they are shipped to their appropriate destinations, then follow their shelf life until they are purchased. Without the use of these EDI services, Walmart would experience stilted communication that was wide open for user error.

Besides the obvious time and money this would save, Electronic Data Interchange software also lends a huge advantage to a user over their competition. Imagine the above Walmart example playing out for a company without EDI software. They might have to use several programs independent of one another. They would then need additional personnel to staff that software and ensure mistakes aren’t in the gaps. The risk for user error would be high, as would the costs of staffing this kind of arrangement.

Electronic Data Interchange puts all that in the past. Companies can rest assured their software minimizes user error. One of the main ways it does this, of course, is by minimizing users. Your company can save money from fewer errors and from having to pay less people.


Article submitted by Act Data Services, Inc. 1-800-ACT-DATA.  This company developsamazingEDI Servicesthat can help streamline any company’s software communication.

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